if only the combat system could be put into high budget MMORPG fantasy type games, then you would have a killer game.
There is nothing yet exactly prepared for Bannerlord to show off at this point other than some generic pictures of objects that I'll definitely be porting over to Bannerlord once the. So in the end, the game won't really impress many people for very long except for it originality. Call Of The Damned (short COTD) is the sequel to the Napoleonic Wars modification Napoleonic Zombies also made by myself. However I have high hopes from mount and blade 2, where hopefully they will start from scratch and correct a lot of the flaws of their first try. There are some decent mods, and for me the best has always been the LOTR mod, it adds a lot of atmosphere to the game. Don't get me wrong, the actual combat is quite good, but it gets repetitive. this being the only difference between land and siege battles. Seige battles are quite retarded, in that you build a ramp and charge up it.
Since your only ability to command is pretty much charge or hold, you really cant do much.
Most battles are pretty much involve you stationing your troops on a hill, and you charge in to decimate the opposing army, then you send your troops in for cleaning. Even the best mods have difficulting getting past these flaws. Bleh, I have been playing Mount and blade for quite a while now, and honestly its a good sandbox game, but its severely lacking in AI, tactics, and campaign.